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Torsdag, 1 Oktober 2020 11:42 Skriv en kommentar Permalink

Recovery expert referral. I lost my bitcoin to fake blockchain.com impostors on Facebook, they contacted me as blockchain official support and I fell stupidly for their mischievous act, this made them gain access into my blockchain wallet account, whereby  7.0938 btc  was stolen from my wallet in total .I was almost in a comma and dumbfounded because this was all my savings I banked up on , waiting for bitcoin rate to improve . Then  my niece recommended me to an expert, I researched online and found the recovery expert , with the contact address- QUADHACKED@GMAIL.COM .I wrote directly to the specialist explaining my loss. Hence, he  helped me recover my bitcoin  just after 2 days he helped me launch the recovery program , and the culprits were identified as well , all thanks to his expertise . I hope I have been able to help someone as well . Reach out to the recovery specialist to recover you lost funds from any form of online scam  .
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