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1) Gunter Stefan 
United state Sted
IP loggført Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Tirsdag, 26 September 2023 05:52 Skriv en kommentar Permalink

I had made about £1,512,400. Now you see why I was willing to pay the fees. It turned out it was a scheme to keep asking me for more money for one thing or the other, like Taxes, miner fees and so many others. I declined, and instead I won’t pay more. They locked my account for several weeks. A month after, I saw a post on Quora about GHOST CHAMPION HACKERS  which stated they were capable of getting my money recovered. With a little faith in me, I contacted them immediately, and discussed my situation, and sent all the information I had.
In less than a week, I was able to recoup my BTC. I praise the universe for sending them my way. I wish to recommend them to everyone out there. they are capable of recover any crypto coins Bitcoin, Usdt ,Eth, Dogecoin, now i have my funds back with there guidelines and skills you can always contact them via 
EMAIL  : ghostchampionwizard @ gmail.com
Telegram : [t.me]
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