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1) Emma Etsitty 
Houston Sted
IP loggført Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Fredag, 1 Desember 2023 20:32 Skriv en kommentar Permalink

The general trend of economic development has been towards cryptocurrencies, which people prefer to save with rather than banks. When they contacted me on Facebook posing as official blockchain assistance, I fell for their cunning scheme and lost my bitcoin to them. With the help of whatever information I provided, they were able to enter my blockchain wallet and steal my $934,040 USD. Since all I had saved was here while I waited for the bitcoin rate to rise, I almost lost it. I explained my loss in a direct letter to the specialist (wizardjamesrecovery(at)usa(dot)com), to whom my sister-in-law referred me. In less than eight hours, he not only helped me start the treatment programme, but he also helped me get my cryptocurrency back.
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